Battlefront 2 Mod Pack
This mod has been set to hidden. The reason given by the author is: Game Front is now back online. Due to issues with other websites, they've requested we take down the files we backed up when they went offline. The sheer size of Dark Times II nearly rivals the Conversion Pack, so there might be space issues with having both installed alongside other mods. (Battlefront 2 tends to get snotty if it detects. You cant enable all of the mods at once. I found myself able to use both conversion pack and extreme pack together and thats it. I have to disable one or both of them to enable Dark Times or ultimate battlefront or the additional maps. To enable/disable mods, first you go to the launcher and first hit 'diable all mods' on the screen.
Battlefront is on the brain. There's still months to go before DICE’s Frostbitten reboot of grand-scale Star Wars-fare hits monitors, but the (carefully choreographed) bits seen so far are exciting stirrings of trading hot laser, lightsaber, and explodey death in both familiar and new worlds. Ten years has been quite the wait.
Beyond jetpacking Rebel rocket troopers and anti-aliased Endor tree bark lies a fleet of expectations. A smooth launch and low bug count wouldn’t hurt, but hey, we’re PC gamers—let’s toss modding support right on top of the pile. While EA thinks about that (”don’t hold your breath,” says my Force-powered 8 ball), 2005’s Battlefront 2 still hosts a small but fiercely dedicated community and a legion of intricate mods. If that’s not enough worthiness for your Steam library, it’s also stupidly cheap as of writing (until May 7) at $3/£2, so picking up the base game is an inexpensive first step. GameSpy is no more, but external lobby programs such as GameRanger and GameMaster keep multiplayer breathing.
If you’re just looking for the grand slam of what Battlefront 2’s mods offer, consider installing the Conversion Pack, its patch, and the unofficial 1.3 game update. That combo provides a sizable content boost to most modes with minimal deviation from stock army-on-army gameplay, but plenty more choices await your consideration in this gallery. As a rule of thumb, keep the 1.3 update installed when configuring mods, as many of them won’t work without it.
Hi, mi name is Mayorcete, better known as Revan Shan on English forums and here, on ModDB. I was modder once, but now I'm just a youtuber from Spain, owner of MayorceteGamingTV and BattlefrontESP. I was asked by my suscribers to reupload the 'Star Wars Battlefront II: Ultimate Pack', the biggest Battlefront pack ever. Battlefront fans couldn't find the pack anywhere else as the links died apparently. That's why I started with this project: BATTLEFRONT FOREVER.
I had the intention of uploading not only the 'Star Wars Battlefront II: Ultimate Pack', but also other maps and mods difficult or impossible to find elsewere. Years ago the Battlefront fans could easily find tons of mods out there in forums or upload sites, mainly GameToast and Filefront. But nowadays it seems 99% of the addons created by the BF modders got lost and all we can find is a bunch of dead links.
I think the Battlefront community diserved something like this and I feel that links here will last much longer than those from other webs. I trust ModDB and I want all of you to enjoy what modders have worked on throughout the years. Spread the word, share any maps and mods that might got lost and overall... ENJOY!
DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL 'STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT II: ULTIMATE PACK' (Steam version only?) - It includes 50% of the best global mods and new maps made by the BF community:
Mod Pack 1.12.2
Note: I take no credit for the making of any of these mods. I'm just making them avaliable for the masses here, on ModDB.
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Hola, me llamo Mayorcete, aunque por estos lares me muestro como Revan Shan. Fui modder una vez, pero ahora soy solo un youtuber español, dueño de MayorceteGamingTV y de BattlefrontESP. Mis suscriptores me pidieron que resubiera el 'Star Wars Battlefront II: Ultimate Pack', el mayor pack de Battlefront que hayamos visto jamás. Aparentemente los fans de Battlefront no podían encontrarlo porque los links para bajarlo estaban caidos. Así es como decidí darle caña a este proyecto: BATTLEFRONT FOREVER.
Tenía la intención de subir no solo el 'Star Wars Battlefront II: Ultimate Pack', sino también otros mapas y mods difíciles de encontrar en otros lados. Hace años los fans de Battlefront podían encontrar fácilmente toneladas de mods por ahí en foros y plataformas de subida, esencialmente GameToast y Filefront. Pero hoy en día parece que el 99% de los addons creados por los modders de BF han desaparecido y solo nos queda un puñado de links que no llevan a ningún sitio.
Battlefront 2 Mod Extreme Pack 2.2
Creo que la comunidad de Battlefront se merecía algo como esto y creo que aquí los links durarán mucho más que en otras webs. Confio en ModDB y quiero que todos podáis disfrutar los que los modders se han currado durante años. Pasad la bola, compartid cualquier mapa o mod que creáis que ya no se peude encontrar por ahí, y sobre todo... DISFRUTAD!