Call Of Duty Ump45

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All Call of Duty Forums Neoseeker Forums » Call of Duty Community » Xbox 360 Games » Action and Arcade » Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 » UMP45. Which gun will you use more? Mp5 or ump45? Mine will probably be the mp5, just because i got more attached to that gun in cod4. The ump45, not so Call of Duty GAME.

How do you unlock the ump45 title on mw2?

Greyish Silver Title: 500 kills with the UMP45 Gold Title: Unlock all attachments with the UMP45 Gold Emblem: 500 head shots with the UMP45 Silver Title with Skulls: 2500 kills with the UMP45 Gold Title with Skulls: 1000 head shots with the UMP45 :)

Is the ump45 in MW2 easy to use?

What is better ump45 or p90 on mw2?

ump45 is better by far and when it has silencer it rules

Is the mp5k better than the ump45 in modern warfare 2?

Mw3 What is the best smg?

Did Hitler get shot by one man army?

What Gun is the best in COD?

Will the ump45 be on mw3?


It will. It was used in Call of Duty XP's livestream.

What is better the ump45 or the tar 21 in call of duty modern warfare 2?

I like them both but it really up to you. The ump45 is good for rushing and running around with. The Tar21 is good for medium range.

What is the strongest gun in MW2?

It's the UMP45 silenced. It is an overpowered gun. Or the Intervention or Barrett.

What gun is better the M16 or the UMP45?

UMP45 because its automatic and overpowered. The only benefit with the the M16 is that it has barely any recoil. I would go with the UMP45. It's really a comparison of apples and oranges. The UMP is a submachinegun, whereas the M16 is an assault rifle. The UMP fires a pistol cartridge, thus, you're looking at an effective range of 50 to 100 metres, vs. the M16, which has an effective range of 550 metres… Read More

What is the best sub machine gun map on cod mw2?

What gun is stronger the ump45 or the ak 47?

The AK-47 fires a substantially more powerful cartridge.

What is the best submachine gun in MW2?

The UMP45 is the strongest, and most accurate smg in the game. I Agree Also.

How do you get better on mw3?

UMP45 FMG Smoke Grenade Semtex S. of Hand Q. Draw Stalker Martyrdom

What is the first gun you get in modern warfare 2?

In singleplayer the M4. In multiplayer the Famas and UMP45 are available in default classes immediately.

What is your favorite weapon in MW3?

I like the UMP45 with rapid fire and extended mags. I also like the MP7 with the same attachments.

How do you unlock ump45 title?

If you mean the gold title then you must get 500 kills with it. If you mean the silver title then get ALL the attachments on the gun.

On MW2 if you have lots of kills for your UMP45 When you prestige Do you lose all these kills?

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If you have not prestiged then you do but if you have you get to keep the prestige veteran and master kill numers

What is modern warfare 2 best gun?

im my opinion, the best assault rifle are tar-21, scar-h and the ak-47. the best rushing gun is the ump45, usally use it with silencer. I think the UMP45 is the best gun. It has impressive damage and average fire rate, so it's not a great rushing gun. However, only 2-3 rounds are needed to take someone out. Silencer is a popular attachment since the gun has more range than other SMG's. Like a lot… Read More

What is the best possible knifing class for call of duty modern warfare 2?

ump45 with siliencer and usp45 akimbo with marathon lightweght and commando

What is the best submachine on cod 6?

Call Of Duty Black Ops 4

That is all based on your opinion, but if want to do really good with an smg use the UMP45 with FMJ and stopping power.

What is the best way to get a nuke?

The best way to get a nuke i using UMP45 silenced and usp45 tactical knife with marathon lightweight and commando pro if possible.

What kills people in less bullets ump45 fmj or ump 45 fmj with silencer?

obvioously there both the same thing accept it changes the distance

Call Of Duty Ump45

How do you gain weapons on modern warfare?

All you have to do is simply level up, i'd reccommend TDM or SnD :) also use the UMP45 to get easy kills :)

What is the best secondary gun to have with a ump45 on mw2?

Well personally myself i always used the ump45 with silencer scavenger stropping power and commando im 7 prestige and i always found that the ump used so little bullets for a kill i rarely needed a secondry but i would go for either the spas or m1014 or the a launcer but magnum akimbo is quite cool or the deagle or maybe even the rpg depending on what map

What the bet class on MW2 for you at level 39?

i say use a ump45 with silencer I'm a 10th prestige and i use it its really great and for secondary id say maybe a spas12

What is the best gun to start off with in modern warfare 2?

Scar-H and the FAMAS are good beginner guns. Although, the UMP45 is a very good gun for any player.

What is the most powerfull weapon in modern warfare 2?

Probably the ump45, its fast and comes with good amount of ammo, quick, decent attachments and can shoot down uavs with a breeze.

What class is best for a nuke on MW2?

ump45 with silencer spas 12 fmj semtex stun grenades marathon pro hardline pro commando pro final stand

What is the best weapon in cod MW2?

Best for rushing - UMP45 Best for accurate, tactical playing - TAR21 Best for Aggressive/Non Aggressive Sniping - Barret50CAL Best for Sprays - RPD

MW2 gold emblem for ump45?

wrong for gold emblem u need 500 headshots with it, 2500 kills gets a tittle with white background n skulls on each side

What is the best gun in Call of Duty?

Search by name voter card. Ump45 easy kills medium range.Acr long short medium range poweful.intervention , awesome for sniping and M240 is an all rounder probably the best guns for primary.

What is the best ump45 class in mw2?

Here are 2 good classes: 1. Class name: Stealth Primary: UMP45 w/ silencer Secondary: M93 Raffica w/ akimbo (It really doesn't matter just not a launcher) Equipment: Semtex Special Grenade: Stun Grenade Perks: (All of these perks are for stealth purposes only) Perk 1: Marathon Perk 2: Cold Blooded Perk 3: Ninja Death Streak: Final Stand 2. Class Name: SMG Primary: UMP45 w/ FMJ (If you don't have FMJ then have on any dot sight)… Read More

What is a good Call of Duty trick?

A good call of duty trick. I got one. If you use the ump45 with the silencer and put ninja pro, sleight of hand pro, and marathon pro you could get a boost on your points.

What sniper rifle did James Bond use in casino royale?

Heckler & Kock UMP45 (slightly modified for the movie: the grip in front of the magazine has been removed and a rather large silencer has been attached to the barrel).

What is the best class for getting a tactical nuke on modern warfare 2?

i would use ump45 with silencer and FMJ aikimbo rangers semtec bling pro hardline pro comando pro death streak is martydom

What level do you get ump45 in battlefield 3?

You can get the UMP-45 at level 16 in Battlefield 3 on the Assault class. Other classes may work I am not sure on that though. So, just keep getting points and progressing in the game and you will get there.

Call of Duty guns?

guns on call of duty modern warfare 2 are M4A1, ACR, FAL, SCAR-H,TAR-21,AK47, MP5K,UMP45,P90,MINI UZI, INTERVENTION.WA200,RPD, AND MANY MORE

What is the best gun on modern warfare 3?

Acr it's the best gun overall IMO Snape644: -PP90M1 -UMP45 -MP7 -SCAR-L -ACR 6.8 -Type 95 -L86 LSW -MSR -USAS 12 -KSG 12

How do you get akibo on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

its akimbo and is modern warfare 2 not cod6 you get it by completing challenges on the guns that can use it example-p90, vector, ump45,mp5k, mini-uzi, ranger, model 1887, and all the handguns and machine pistols

Call Of Duty Ump45 Free

What are the best 10 weapons on Modern Warfare 2?

All a matter of personal preference. However, from what I've seen in my hours of playtime, these seem to be the most common -ACR -SCAR-H -UMP45 -Intervention -M21 -FAMAS -M16 -AK-47 -L86 -RPD

How do you get a nuke in modern warfare 2?

Hi im Denver and im 12 nearly 13 dont listen to him the easyiest way to get a nuke is use a ump45 with a silencer. for killstreaks use harrier chopper gunner then nuke . for perk use marthon, lightweight, commando with this setup i have had 38 nukes!

What is the best perk and gun with attachments?

Obviously its the ump45 or ak47 both silenced, with claymore, and flashbang, with the perks, obviously one man army pro (which is your secondary) also cold blooded pro, and sit rep pro, or commando pro. and these are the guns i get my nukes with my first was with ump and always with it then the ak47

Call Of Duty Ump45

What is the best duck gun?

Perk 1 scavenger pro perk 2 stopping power pro perk 3 ninja pro primary weapon ump45 silenced secondary weapon aa-12 fore grip equipment claymore special grenade stun grenade x2

What is the best weapon for modern warfare 2?

''The following are the opinions of other players..'' ---- Tar-21 with bling pro..have extended mags and holographic sight..have stopping power pro and steady aim pro..and have your side arm a javelin ---- I say use the Ump45 with a silencer on. Especially if you are good with hip firing in the game ----

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No, he is American. No, he is American. No, he is American. No, he is American. No, he is American. No, he is American. No, he is American. No, he is American. No, he is American. No, he is American. No, he is American.

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No. He is American. No. He is American. No. He is American. No. He is American. No. He is American. No. He is American. No. He is American. No. He is American. No. He is American. No. He is American. No. He is American.

What gun do you start with in Call Of Duty Black Ops?

you start with multiple guns Assault Rifles FAMAS and M4A1 SMG UMP45 and MP5 LMG L86 and RPD Sniper Intervention and Barrett .50 cal Riot Shield Machine pistols pp2000 Shotgun Spas-12 Launcher AT4 Handguns USP

Whatnationalities are Miley Cyrus?

American American and American :) American American and American :)