Mass Effect Face Code Converter

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It's a good idea to make the bytes per row 4 to match Mass Effect 3 explorer. Goto to offset 40. Here, you're going to see 00 00 80 3F. Now you're going to want to get the 255-based RGB values (ex. 124, 255, 80)for the color you want for the eye effect. Get the best Mass Effect Character Creation Codes from the internet's most devoted Mass Effect fans! Come share your own too!! Welcome to the Mass Effect 2 Face Database Share your Mass Effect hero with your fellow gamers! Custom Hair. ME2 to ME1 Face-Code Converter.

eprevious Mass Effect games, Mass Effect 3 allows you to import a character from a previous game (Mass Effect 2). To import a character in Mass Effect 3, you will need to have a Mass Effect 2 save on your storage disk.

How to Import a Mass Effect 3 Character


Here are the bonuses you can get from importing a Mass Effect 2 save file.

  • Your level from Mass Effect 2 will carry over to Mass Effect 3.
  • Your Squad Members will also start at the same level.
  • You will get Squad Points to upgrade your Powers based on your imported level. If you import a Level 30 Shepard, you will have 1 point automatically placed for you in one Power, and 59 available to place at your whim.
  • Your Paragon/Renegade points will bump your Mass Effect 3 Reputation meter up about one quarter. Your Morality choices will be reflected.


If you import a character you cannot choose its sex, BUT you CAN change his/her Appearance. You can also change your character’s Class.

Shepard Import Bug[edit]

Some faces cannot be imported into Mass Effect 3. In this case, you will have to choose a default Shepard or create a new one.


This bug occurs when the imported character's appearance is from a Mass Effect (1) save. If your Mass Effect 1 Shepard's appearance was altered in any way in Mass Effect 2, however, the Shepard will be importable.Source: IGN

Bioware has provided a fix for Shepard face generation in the PC version of Mass Effect. Access the PC fix here. A fix for Xbox 360 version is in the works. Source: IGN

Major Decisions[edit]

The following save file decisions affect your Mass Effect 3 experience.

Major Decisions from Mass Effect 1[edit]

  • Kill or Spare the Rachni Queen
  • Rescued Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams on Virmire
  • Spare or Sacrifice the Citadel Council
  • Urdnot Wrex may die on Virmire in Mass Effect and not appear in Mass Effect 3
  • Romances - Mass Effect 3 Squad MembersAshley Williams, Kaidan Alenko and Liara T'Soni are Romanceable characters in Mass Effect. They are still Romanceable in Mass Effect 3, but previous romances will affect dialogue.

Major Decisions from Mass Effect 2

  • Rewrite OR Destroy the Geth heretics
  • Save or Destroy Maelon's Data on the Genophage
  • Destroy or Leave the Collector Base to Cerberus
  • Suicide Mission - If a character didn't survive the final suicide mission in Mass Effect 2, he or she will not appear in Mass Effect 3. Garrus Vakarian and Tali'Zorah vas Normandy will be available as squad members if they survive. If Jack, Jacob Taylor, Kasumi Goto, Legion, Mordin Solus, Miranda Lawson, Samara, Thane Krios, and Zaeed Massani survived, they will appear in small cameos.
  • Romances - The Romanceable CharactersGarrus Vakarian and Tali'Zorah vas Neema from Mass Effect 2 are Squad Members in Mass Effect 3. Other Romanceable Characters in Mass Effect 2 (Miranda Lawson, Jack, Jacob Taylor, Thane Krios, Kelly Chambers, Samara, Morinth) will appear in cameos in Mass Effect 3 with altered dialogue if you romanced them in Mass Effect 2.
  • See the Romance section for more on potential relationships.

Importing a Mass Effect 3 Save file[edit]

You can also import a Mass Effect 3 save file once you've beaten the game. Here are the bonuses you get:

  • Reputation and Paragon/Renegade stats carry over.
  • All Weapons carry over and current Weapon Modifications, but mods must be re-equiped.
  • All Body Armor carries over.
  • All Credits carry over.
  • All Fish and Models collected.
  • Your current level carries over, and Skill Points can be reassigned
  • Weapon can be upgraded to pass Level V. Weapons found in game can now be upgraded two more levels by finding the weapon again. Weapons not found in the game such as the starting pistol can be upgraded to X (10).
  • Any Squad Member special power can be selected when importing.
  • Shepard's face can be changed.

Cloud Save Files[edit]

EA has confirmed that Mass Effect 3 does not accept Mass Effect 2 saves imported from the cloud on Xbox 360. Local save files which have been moved across consoles via the cloud are also unusable. Source: IGN

Players hoping to transfer a ME2 save file via the cloud onto a new Xbox to play ME3 must transfer the save file back to the original hard drive. In order to use a ME2 save file, players must move the save file back onto the original Xbox 360, and then transfer it manually onto the new Xbox, either via USB or using a transfer cable. Local save files which have been moved across consoles via the cloud are also unusable. Therefore, players without their original hard drives will encounter some problems, as there is no way to recover your save file.

However, if you still have ME2 laying around and have transferred your save file to a new machine (Via cloud or other method), there is a way to get your character to import. Start ME2 and load your last saved game. Then create a NEW SAVED GAME, which will then be local to your hard drive and allow you to import your character into ME3. Tested and working on a PS3.

Mass Effect Face Generator
