Combat Tactics Dragon Age Origins

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This mod may already exist, but I haven't been able to find it if it does. I'd like to have a mod that completely removes visual effects from various sustained abilities. Now I generally just have my characters disable sustained abilities when they're out of combat (thank you advanced tactics). But some sustained abilities I don't want to have them turn off out of combat.

  1. Combat Tactics Dragon Age Origins Game
  2. Dragon Age Tactics Setup

Combat Tactics Dragon Age Origins Game

Seems like picking Combat Tactics as a skill is a waste Dragon Age: Origins Xbox 360. Dragon Age: Origins is an epic fantasy role-playing game featuring a rich story, personality-driven characters, and tactical, bloody combat. It is considered a spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate series.

In particular: Haste. I love Haste. It's so nice to move faster when just running around. I haven't found a mod that just lets you run faster without a sustained ability, either. So I like to have my Mage leave Haste turned on. But I'd rather NOT have the visual effect from it.
Can anyone tell me if a mod already exists like this? I've done a LOT of poking around on the Nexus website for DAO, and I've found some to remove VFX from weapons and such. But nothing for sustained abilities, specifically for Haste...

Combat Tactics Dragon Age Origins

Dragon Age Tactics Setup