How To Rotate Picture On Word
When you are including graphics in a Word document many times you want to place the image in a particular way or at a certain angle. Word 2007 has just the tool for the job.
Open your Word document and click on the picture or graphic you want to move. You will see the edit outline around your graphic. Now left click the top green knob and hold the object and start to rotate it.
Below you can see the graphic start to move.
When inserting an image or picture into an OpenOffice Writer document, you only have the option to flip that image horizontally or vertically. There is no option in OpenOffice Writer to rotate the image within a document. If you need to rotate an image 90 degrees, we suggest rotating the image using.
In the second picture here I added an object and am rotating it as you will notice the first graphic is at an angle.
Here is the result of a couple of simple objects in a Word 2007 document that I rotated around a bit so you have an idea.
You can do this with any picture, graphic, and even text!
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How To Rotate Text
Categories: Featured ArticlesMicrosoft Word
In other languages:
Italiano: Ruotare un Testo in Microsoft Word, Español: girar un texto en Microsoft Word, Deutsch: Text in Word rotieren, Português: Girar um Texto no Word, Nederlands: Tekst roteren in Microsoft Word, Français: faire pivoter du texte sur Microsoft Word, Русский: вращать текст в Microsoft Word, 中文: 在微软Word程序中旋转文本, Bahasa Indonesia: Memutar Teks di Microsoft Word, Čeština: Jak ve Wordu otočit text, العربية: تدوير نص في برنامج مايكروسوفت وورد, ไทย: หมุนข้อความใน Microsoft Word, Tiếng Việt: Xoay văn bản trong Microsoft Word, 日本語: Microsoft Wordで文字を回転する, 한국어: MS 워드에서 글자 회전시키는 법, हिन्दी: माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड में टेक्स्ट को घुमाएँ (Rotate Text in Microsoft Word)
How To Rotate A Picture
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