Wow Good Professions For Hunter

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Started a horde hunter but not sure what profession to go with this guy has engineering however have less horde then ally and my other horde is bs. So which be better to go with engineer or LW?

Bmw x5 e53 engine putters off. PvP & PvE rankings, players rankings, best guilds, classes & race rankings, gear, gems, enchants, talents & builds stats Best professions for Demon Hunters - World of Warcraft Last Database Update: 23 Jun 2019.

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  • My LW/skinner is good too, I find a lvl 3 barn and trapping keeps me well stocked in hides with savage blood as a bonus. If you raid or pvp alot With a decent garrison, I am not sure the choice of professions really makes a difference. Tho I would not go with two gathering professions.
Engineering is more useful imo (wormholes, gravity well, belt shield) but pick whatever you want really.
That's what I thought really only asked since with engineer get the sweet !@# gun and for leather working can acually get him armor
That stuff is tradeable so you can buy it off the auction house if you need.
Hmmm true
The best, IMHO, is Engineering and LW. :)
It make good before hitting draenor or am I just makeing a bunch of stuff no one will buy in the ah
Don't really matter. If you have other horde toons at 100 then I suggest doing herb and mining until WoD (more for the exp than selling on ah), then switch to the profs you want. Stock pile ore from your garrison and give to the hunter when he gets to WoD. Hopefully the ore trader is up, buy spirits and easily get the proffs to 700. You might need to buy leathers, or start using your alts barn to stock pile some if you go leather working.
If the hunter is your only horde toon, then pick eng and mining or skinning and leather working more to save on gold. If gold is not an issue, then u can buy the stuff off the AH, but I would then recommend the herb mining rout since some pre-wod mats can be quite a bit more than the WoD mats you use to go from 1-700.
Professions at max level are kinda crappy due to garrisons. My recommendation is to take Alchemy if you plan on raiding, simply because you will never have to worry about running out of potions or flasks. Having a 2 hour flask bonus is nice too. That's really the only one I've found to be useful at max level in a raiding scenario.
Engineering alchemy for pvp.
You won't have to waste money on goblin gliders, shieldtronic shields, potions or flasks.
Hmmm interesting sadly though the big thing with my horde since i have two of them is storage in bags but mostly going for the profession that will help him level and gear wise
Yes, the bonus to the time with alchemy on flasks is really nice. Also, if you use the Stone of Fire, the +40% to healing pots can be handy too. (I am an alchemist)

Wow Good Professions For Hunter School

Leatherworking and Skinning. You're going to want a gathering profession in 6.2 for felblight.
Ahh I see and yea I usally keep a gathering profession each time
I like engineering currently, gun and helm are nice as well as the tinkers. Mining goes well with it.
The gun sells for not alot, engineering has never been great at making money.
My LW/skinner is good too, I find a lvl 3 barn and trapping keeps me well stocked in hides with savage blood as a bonus.
If you raid or pvp alot With a decent garrison, I am not sure the choice of professions really makes a difference. Tho I would not go with two gathering professions.
Alchemy doesn't grant a bonus to flask duration, and hasn't since the end of Cata, to my recollection. Stone of Fire's benefit isn't unique to Alchemy, as anyone can use the Stone. The alchemy building provides free potions to everyone, and both potions and regular flasks can be crafted by the building regardless of profession (and anyway, aren't free because you have to have the herbs regardless).
I generally keep engineering for the infinite-user glider, the repair bot, on-demand mailbox, and wormholes.
Alchemy doesn't grant a bonus to flask duration,

It does.
At the start of WoD I don't think it did but it certainly does now.
But I think we can all agree that engineering is crunk.
Professions are an utter waste of time in this expansion.
Engineering. Our raid needs to throw a bot down every other wipe because for some reason someone breaks their gear since the last bot so we need enough to get between cooldowns.
Please pay attention if someone drops a bot, we don't like the constant complaining that they need 1 and there's like 3 on cooldown.
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Hi. I'm new to the game, and decided to make a Hunter. I'm currently level 13 and I'd like to pick some professions, but I'd like to know which ones would be the best for my class?
If you are that low lvl you should prolly start over and choose a class that works :P If you read thru some of the posts in this forum you will understand why
First of all, welcome to the game :D
For proff, well, there are a few you can go with i bet.
Herb + Alch = you can craft your own potion and sell them.
Skinning + Leatherwork = You can skin the beast you kill, and craft your own gear.
Tailor + Ench = Well, sure your not gonna use the dress you fix up via tailoring, but you can DE them and get crafting material for your hunter.
Mining + Engine'er = Crafting guns or random (fun / toy) item, can even craft belt ench that can give you speed boost, or a little health potion effect, you can ench your back to have some kinda parachu aswell as engi!
Personal, i go with engi, nothing like been a hunter with engi, all the fun you can do with it!
I think i'll go with engineering too :D I like guns more than bows, which I've been mainly using so far.
Which one of the ones you mentioned will make me the most money ? I asked some people and apparently herbalism and alchemy can make you the most money. Is this true?
If you want really easy cash, buy legion and use your lvl 100 boost for a druid, make it herb/mining and make your hunter engi/skinning and let it wait a bit.
Level that druid to 110 asap and spec it restoration with mass entanglement and wild charge, get a herbalism enchant for gloves and run around suramar picking every resource node you can find, only kill the mobs that spawn from those nodes and run away from everything else.
Now you have a gold printing machine, that makes about 20k+ gold in 30min~, you can buy heirlooms for your hunter and level it very fast, and you'll never need to worry about money.
Enchanting/Alchemist with herbalist alt - best proffesions for raiding and spaming M+ .
Alternatively - Skinning/Leatherworking for making Obliterium.
Echanting + Skinning
you can disenchant all the items you cant use for some nice cash after selling the mats on the AH. High rank skinning nets you skins (duh) which you again can sell and also Bloods of Sargeras which you can turn into any sort of mat you might need for trading or selling.
Professions don't really matter. Most of the time it's only a way to either make gold or save some. The obvious stuff that pairs well of course is alchemy + herbalist. Skinning + leatherworking, ..
Personally, I like to use engineer because that is the only profession that actually effects you ingame by having it. It's essentially the quality of life profession. It gives you tools that allow you to resurrect others, you can craft 2 mini robots Jeeves and Reaves that allows you to access your bank or let you repair your equipment. You get to access the auction house in dalaran and other nice quality of life features.
Imo, the most useful engineering tinker is frag belt, it's a AOE 3 sec incapacitate on 1min cooldown, very good as an extra interrupt in dungeons, and no chance of failure. Never had 5 engis with this in a group at the same time, but I guess it would be quite op.
The speed boost fail can knock you up high into the air, which makes it not as reliable compared to the frag belt.
Glider attachment shares cooldown with Goblin Glider Kits, so parachute is best for cape slot.
So what would be the best professions to go with if I dont have Legion and dont really plan on buying it soon ? I bought the battle chest to get a taste of the game on the actual servers and not privates, and I love it already :P
So what would be the best professions to go with if I dont have Legion and dont really plan on buying it soon ? I bought the battle chest to get a taste of the game on the actual servers and not privates, and I love it already :P

I don't suggest going into enchanting. You won't have money for the materials and farming them is pain in the !@# for a new player. If you prefer to pvp I would take minning/engi, skinning/lw is also fine. If you want to make some gold take minning/herbalism because some low level mats are worth nice amount of gold and after you get legion you will be ready to farm legion herbs.
I went for mining and herbalism as you suggested. Should I be picking/mining everyting up ? For mining, I've only managed to find Copper and Tin ores, and about 3-4 different variations of herbs. Should I pick up all of them or just pick up certain ones ?
Pick everything you can, but keep in mind that the price and demand has dropped quite drastically since the release of legion, as high level players can level up a profession in legion zones from 0, so they don't need to buy or farm low level materials anymore, which was the reason for high lowbie material prices in the past.
I think you'd get more enjoyment out of the materials if you used them yourself, having an endless supply of potions or bombs is quite nice while leveling :)
Using Leatherworking and Skinning myself, but think Mining and Engineering could go just fine, as the tinkers is a thing I really miss having on this char..
So, to summ up, most of you suggest eng/mining? Because, I am engineer myself and use to enjoy back then those proffesions..more like a hobby to me :)

Wow Good Professions For Hunter 3

I'm a eng and miner myself.
You won't get any mountains of gold with Eng but you will have a steady flow with mining by selling the extras you don't use yourself.
You can't still make cash with Eng by crafting some mounts and pets (companions) but not reliably.
I agree with the other. Herb + Alchi is a gold mine. BS + Mining is also very good cash (it least it was not sure for Legion tho :D )
I personally do Enchanting with Skinning. The only reason i do that is because i need gold and you can do a lot with selling the leathers and selling the materials from enchanting also you can 'enhance' different gear (ie. currently I got a +3 on all stats)
I haven't tried Herb + Alchi nor BS + Mining, but I will :D

Wow Best Professions For Demon Hunter

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