Wow How To See Total Time Played
While Steam tracks the time you've spent playing individual titles, it doesn't keep track of how much time you've spent on the service overall. For some, that's probably for the best, but just in. How many hours do you have in total on your steam account? Just under 450 hours in total for me. 2,435.2 hours spent playing games on Steam not counting the time i played tfclassic & portal before time was counted. Comment has been collapsed. Wow this is really cool to me, 107 games, 470 hours. /played if you are worried about making you time go up you should log out when you step away from the game for a little bit so that way you dont go AFK - away from keyboard- because that will keep adding to your time:) have fun and enjoy WoW.
So recently I was bored and decided to log in to all my characters that were over level 50 and add up their /played times.
All together I got 4968 hours, or about 207 days (The lion's share of which goes to my main at 112 days played). I've decided to round that number up to 4990 hours just as an estimate to include all the low level characters I've played up to like level 19 or so and eventually deleted over the years.
As I've been playing since Brewfest 2007 this number means I've spent about 41 days out of the year for the last 5 years playing this game.
This got me wondering how my play time stacks up against other players. Is your overall /played higher or lower than mine? And is your average time played per year higher or lower?
On this page, we explain how to easily play Assassination Rogue in World of Warcraft — Battle for Azeroth (BfA) 8.2, using the simplest rotation, talent tree, stat priority, gear setup, etc., without sacrificing performance.
1. Foreword
This section is intended for players who are new to the game or class,have no intentions of raiding Mythic difficulty, or simply want a morestraightforward way to play their specialization without being overwhelmedby the numerous priorities and active abilities that need to be taken intoconsideration for optimal play.
2. The Basics for Assassination Rogue
Assassination primarily focuses on maintaining damage over time effectsfor potent sustained damage and cleave. In this section, we will be focusingon a setup that minimizes the amount of buttons and reactivity necessarywithout unduly compromising overall damage output.
3. Talent Choice for Assassination Rogue
These choices are optimized for ease of use. Although some talents mightoffer marginally higher gains when played perfectly, these sametalents often result in damage losses when utilized by many players. Thetalents recommended here aim to present the best setup that has very littlepunishment for unfamiliarity or mistakes.
- Level 15: Elaborate Planning
- Level 30: Subterfuge
- Level 45: Vigor
- Level 60: Cheat Death
- Level 75: Iron Wire
- Level 90: Toxic Blade
- Level 100: Poison Bomb
4. Stat Choice for Assassination Rogue
Currently, you will want to prioritize secondary stats as follows:
- Haste
- Critical Strike
- Mastery
- Versatility
5. Basic Rotational Priority for Assassination Rogue
Time Played In Wow
- Keep Rupture and Garrote applied to the main targetat all times.
- Use Vendetta on cooldown.
- Activate Vanish on cooldown, when you have full Combo Points,and apply Garrote.
- Cast Envenom to dump Combo Points.
- Use Mutilate to generate Combo Points on 1 target. UseFan of Knives to generate Combo Points on 2+ targets.
5.1. Tips and Tricks
- Refresh/apply your bleeds before activating Vendetta.
- Always cast finishers at 4-5 Combo Points.
6. Azerite Traits
Azerite Traits play an important role for Assassination Rogue.This means you need to decide which Azerite items you should choose. The traitsare very close to each other in power, though, so we recommend our Azerite page for more details.
7. Changelog
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 21 Jan. 2019: Updated for Season 2.
- 10 Dec. 2018: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.1 and no changes are necessary.
- 13 Aug. 2018: Updated for Battle for Azeroth launch.
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This guide has been reviewed and approved by Gray_Hound,a Rogue theorycrafter who raids in StrawberryPuppy Kisses. You can find him on Twitch and Twitter.